Isaiah 29:13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:. . .Rom 10:9-11 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Church is a place to go on a Sunday morning for many people. But many of those people have forgotten, if they ever knew, the purpose of the gathering. A dog can wander in to a church service and quietly lie down and leave with all the people at the end of the service. When the dog gets outside it returns to the life of a dog. The time of worship and te...
The Influence of Our Convictions
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The bitterest ingredient in the 'cup of divine displeasure' S. Davies 3 min. Dan 1:1-21 Let’s begin with the definitions of influence and conviction so that we are thinking like-mindedly. Influence: IN'FLUENCE, noun [Latin influens, influo, to flow in; in and fluo, to flow.] A) Literally, a flowing in, into or on, and referring to substances spiritual or too subtil to be visible, like inspiration. Hence the word was formerly followed by into. 1. In a general sense, influence denotes power whose operation is invisible and known only by its effects, or a power whose cause and operation are unseen. 2. Power acting on sensibility; as the influence of love or pity in sympathy. 3 . Spiritual power, or the immediate power of God on the mind; as divine influence; the influences of the Holy Spirit. B) verb transitive To move by physical power operating by unseen laws or force; to affect. 1. To move...
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Christmas 2021 The True Way of Keeping Christmas ; George Whitefield 1714-1770 24mins. Philippians 2:1-11 The Christmas holiday season has been continually squeezed into a secular materialistic season of commerce. Each year the commercialism of the season begins earlier, presently beginning in October. In my youth the season of Christmas began after the national day of Thanksgiving. Understanding the moral decay of the American culture begins I think with the secularism of Christian holidays that were once held in national esteem (that's why they are holidays); for sure, not by everyone, but by the vast majority. How many immigrants found Christ through one of these holidays?Secularism is replacing the influence of the Church by the commercializing its most honored Christian events once revered in American culture. Football dominates the national day of Thanksgiving. And who is to be thanked in the culture of today...
The Church in America
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Joshua 1:9 “ Have I (the L ORD ) not commanded you (Joshua) ? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the L ORD your God is with you wherever you go. ” NASB Take the land . . . by violence! The background is Moses having been relieved of his leadership of the Hebrews and Joshua has been ordered by God to lead the Hebrew nation in conquest of the land God is now giving them. Many pulpits in the Church in America teach the Old Testament as not being relevant to the Church today. And, that the Church in America is not conquering the world for the Kingdom of God, by dispelling wickedness. They may also point out that these words were directed to a specific individual for a particular purpose therefore having no relevancy in the present Christian life. The fact is, the word of God is immutable and transcends time and circumstance. To think otherwise is to diminish its transforming power. Many pulpits teach today the Old Testament the way Sunday Sch...
Thanksgiving Day v. Friendsgiving Day
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Thanksgiving is a day proclaimed to be a day of thankfulness to Almighty God for the multitude of His blessings. By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation. Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor-- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness. Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, o...
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God created man in His own image, holy, very good, separated from evil (tree of knowledge of good and evil Gen 2:17 [ 1 ] ), and gave him a kingdom, the earth to care for and rule over, with a garden as a place for His name in fellowship/relationship with man. Adam and all the rulers since have had the same command from God, to rule over their people in a Godly manner, to bring glory to Him— Mic 6:8 “ He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness/mercy, and to walk humbly ( Gen 3:8 [2] ) with your God ( Phil 2:6-8 ) . ” Adam failed, and all people since have failed Rom 3:23 [3] . But God the Father sent God the Son to fully experience life of a mortal (sinful) person victoriously (without sinning). The Messiah is the object of faith (spirit) that restores the broken and lost relationship with the Almighty God Rom 3:19-26 . Listen to the Son who speaks for the Father, and believe what He says and you will have ...
America Lost?
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Sermon: Counsels and Warnings Horatius Bonar 1808-1889 27 mins. John Adams said that the “Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to govern any other.” I am neither a politician nor a theologian, but I do recognize the mutual interests and struggle between them. These are perhaps the two most important areas of culture and life in general, and the most to be avoided to be openly talked about as they will probably lead to disagreements at some point—so avoid bringing them into any conversation. This appears to be the norm within both politics and religion, and at all costs there is no wiggle-room for government and church to communicate with each other. There’s that separation misnomer, which has created a crisis in America today—religiously apathetic and spiritually passive, and an irrelevant patriotism has revisioned a new “we the people” who haven’t no...