
Showing posts from December 15, 2021

The Church in America

  Joshua 1:9 “ Have I (the L ORD ) not commanded you (Joshua) ? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the L ORD your God is with you wherever you go. ” NASB Take the land . . . by violence!   The background is Moses having been relieved of his leadership of the Hebrews and Joshua has been ordered by God to lead the Hebrew nation in conquest of the land God is now giving them. Many pulpits in the Church in America teach the Old Testament as not being relevant to the Church today. And, that the Church in America is not conquering the world for the Kingdom of God, by dispelling wickedness. They may also point out that these words were directed to a specific individual for a particular purpose therefore having no relevancy in the present Christian life. The fact is, the word of God is immutable and transcends time and circumstance. To think otherwise is to diminish its transforming power. Many pulpits teach today the Old Testament the way Sunday Sch...