The Influence of Our Convictions
The bitterest ingredient in the 'cup of divine displeasure' S. Davies 3 min. Dan 1:1-21 Let’s begin with the definitions of influence and conviction so that we are thinking like-mindedly. Influence: IN'FLUENCE, noun [Latin influens, influo, to flow in; in and fluo, to flow.] A) Literally, a flowing in, into or on, and referring to substances spiritual or too subtil to be visible, like inspiration. Hence the word was formerly followed by into. 1. In a general sense, influence denotes power whose operation is invisible and known only by its effects, or a power whose cause and operation are unseen. 2. Power acting on sensibility; as the influence of love or pity in sympathy. 3 . Spiritual power, or the immediate power of God on the mind; as divine influence; the influences of the Holy Spirit. B) verb transitive To move by physical power operating by unseen laws or force; to affect. 1. To move...