The Influence of Our Convictions
The bitterest ingredient in the 'cup of divine displeasure' S. Davies 3 min.
Dan 1:1-21
IN'FLUENCE, noun [Latin influens, influo, to flow in; in and fluo, to flow.] A) Literally, a flowing in, into or on, and referring to substances spiritual or too subtil to be visible, like inspiration. Hence the word was formerly followed by into. 1. In a general sense, influence denotes power whose operation is invisible and known only by its effects, or a power whose cause and operation are unseen. 2. Power acting on sensibility; as the influence of love or pity in sympathy. 3. Spiritual power, or the immediate power of God on the mind; as divine influence; the influences of the Holy Spirit.
B) verb transitive To move by physical power operating by unseen laws or force; to affect. 1. To move by moral power; to act on and affect, as the mind or will, in persuading or dissuading; to induce. Webster’s Dictionary 1828
CONVICTION, noun A. The act of convincing of error; confutation;
the act of compelling one to acknowledge his error, or the truth of what is
alledged; as, the conviction of
a heretic may induce him to abandon his
errors. Webster’s Dictionary 1828
B. a strong belief or opinion. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
In Daniel 1:1-21 we learn that Daniel’s convictions are not affected by his new, strange, perhaps dangerous environment. He was determined not to defile himself by conforming to a pagan culture, but to remain faithful to God.
The liberal, progressive direction our country is presently moving in has a compromising effect on those churches (saints within) with no tangible Biblical conviction for support. The compromised church is weak and cowardly, lukewarm toward the true and powerful gospel of Jesus Christ. A church that is not offensive to those outside the church is not teaching truth, not convicting them of their sin 2Tim 3:12. Their loose convictions are slandering the name of the Lord of their mouth but are absent from their heart.
The God of the Bible is holy, loving, immutable, trustworthy, and just. Our convictions (beliefs) concerning God’s word (Bible) must accept it as holy/pure/inerrant and unchangeable, relevant to all ages, including the progressive age of today. Conviction within us concerning the truth of God is formed and anchored in our study of His word (2Tim 2:15; 1Tim 4:15).
A Biblically convicted church when the winds of opinion blow and the waves of temptation pound against it, will know with certainty the way to respond. A firm stand or conviction with preaching of Biblical truth had an effect on culture in the past, and can again regain its spiritual influence when that Biblical conviction is strongly held and taught with Divine courage.
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