God created man in His own image, holy, very good, separated from evil (tree of knowledge of good and evil Gen 2:17 [ 1 ] ), and gave him a kingdom, the earth to care for and rule over, with a garden as a place for His name in fellowship/relationship with man. Adam and all the rulers since have had the same command from God, to rule over their people in a Godly manner, to bring glory to Him— Mic 6:8 “ He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness/mercy, and to walk humbly ( Gen 3:8 [2] ) with your God ( Phil 2:6-8 ) . ” Adam failed, and all people since have failed Rom 3:23 [3] . But God the Father sent God the Son to fully experience life of a mortal (sinful) person victoriously (without sinning). The Messiah is the object of faith (spirit) that restores the broken and lost relationship with the Almighty God Rom 3:19-26 . Listen to the Son who speaks for the Father, and believe what He says and you will have ...