The Church in America
Joshua 1:9 “Have I (the LORD) not commanded you (Joshua)? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” NASB
Take the land . . . by violence!
Many pulpits in the Church in America teach the Old Testament as not being relevant to the Church today. And, that the Church in America is not conquering the world for the Kingdom of God, by dispelling wickedness. They may also point out that these words were directed to a specific individual for a particular purpose therefore having no relevancy in the present Christian life.
The fact is, the word of God is immutable and transcends time and circumstance. To think otherwise is to diminish its transforming power. Many pulpits teach today the Old Testament the way Sunday Schools did to children a few decades ago, as stories—resulting in the devaluation of Biblical truths. Although, back then the children’s stories were taught to be foundational to understanding the God to man, a Creator to creation relationship. This particular passage (Josh 1) is not just a history lesson, though it is a lesson, and it is very relevant to the life of a follower of Jesus Christ today.
The Church in America (gathered and individual) is to be a light conquering the ever darkening spirituality of culture. The Church is the physical body of Christ Jesus in this present world. God’s kingdom on earth is to be advancing not just holding spiritual ground and certainly not yielding ground to its enemy (Rom 12:2). The Church in America is in a spiritual war (Eph 6:12), not some little meaningless skirmish. There is no courage of Lexington in the Church as it is culturally fired at continually by an enemy. The Church prefers a pseudo-peace, retreating into a non-offensive and ineffective self built closet. Isn’t that what Jesus taught? God forbid!
Jesus taught to love individuals (Matt 5:44), being a light (Matt 5:14), not condoning the darkness (sin) surrounding it. There is a conflict between light (piety) and darkness (wickedness) that God separated Himself from (Hab 1:13) by removing humanity from the Garden and Tree of Life (Gen 3:24). Jesus said, “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division.” Jesus Himself is the divisive object (John 7:43; 10:18). Jesus is the Light (John 1:4; 8:12) that exposes the wickedness that humanity loves.
The Church in America dances around the social wickedness within it with vague teaching and Scriptural revisionism using modern relativism which is non-offensive to wickedness, and by default accepting such wickedness as being not evil, therefore becoming an alternative goodness (Is 5:20). Such action by the Church makes it an accomplice to these evils which is provoking God to anger.
The Church needs to be courageous and valiant in following its Lord into the spiritual battles that it faces—standing firmly and resolute on the absolute truth of Scripture (immutable word of God). The LORD is with you (Church) wherever you go; in the marketplace or politics. If the Church believes the LORD is always with it, why is it not standing boldly with its omnipotent LORD in opposition to wickedness??!
Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. NASB
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